At a Glance
- 13 turbine project
- Distance to nearest turbine – over 700m
- Capacity to provide clean energy to 60,000 homes
- Over 80MW of renewable energy to the Irish electricity grid
- Zero shadow flicker policy
- Height of turbine up to a maximum of 180M
- Total Community Benefit Fund of circa €7 million, depending on the final design
- Associated works will include access tracks, met mast, turbine foundations and hardstanding areas, drainage works, temporary site compound, grid systems services, substation, underground electrical and communications cables between turbines and an underground cable to connect the proposed project to a local substation.
- All cables underground

Proejct Proposal
With this proposal, there is the potential to develop a 13-turbine wind farm, in two clusters, located near the villages of Timahoe, Wolfhill and The Swan. Much of the site is located in an area of Coillte woodland and in an area of high wind. The current proposed turbine tip height is 180m. We believe that this proposal has the capacity to not only deliver climate action, but also to bring very real benefits to local people and the local area.
As the proposal includes sections of Coillte property, please e-mail with any Coillte specific enquiries.
The location under consideration was initially identified following a review of areas that could allow for the development of this type. All wind energy proposals with an output of over 50MW are deemed by planning to be strategic projects given what they potentially have to offer. Submission directly to An Bord Pleanála as a Strategic Infrastructure Development (SID) application is therefore a planning requirement for this proposal. Laois County Council will be expected to review and actively input on any submission. As required, we will also submit an Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) with this application.
It is important to Statkraft and our partner FEI that our projects are considered in terms of the climate challenges being addressed, and that they are appropriate for the area, work well where they are located and are delivered as part of a just transition. They will also bring real benefits to local people and support the economic, social and environmental sustainability of those local areas.
Local appropriateness is a fundamental consideration, so community feedback on the design proposal is very welcome.
We would be very interested in hearing what ideas you have on how this wind farm could deliver the most benefit to you and your local area.